"When you change, everything changes”

Dr. Jordi
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Dr. Jordi Schlaghecke i Gras

Medical expert in problems of overweight, obesity and eating disorders.


My mission

Helping you to improve your physical and emotional health by changing your eating and exercise habits.


My own personal experience was decisive in dedicating myself professionally to helping with weight loss.
I was never obese, but I was overweight and did not have an athletic body. I didn’t work out and my body composition was high in fat and low in muscle. But the most important thing is that I was not aware of how this physical condition lowered my self-confidence.
I felt bad because, despite being young, I did not reflect a good state of health. Many of my co-workers kicked me out 10 years older than I was then!
When I turned 30, I decided to join the gym to spend a few minutes a day doing physical exercise advised by sports professionals.
What amazing changes I saw in my physique were amazing! I noticed that I was doing what I needed to do. That’s why I decided to study the basics of sport and nutrition.
I began to exercise as a doctor-personal trainer and to worry about the nutrition of my patients.
It is curious that, in the health field, there are very few doctors who can correctly prescribe a good pattern of physical exercise, when the advantages are so clear. Not only is there a loss of weight and fat and an increase in muscle, but our metabolism responds in such a positive way that it is possible to reduce and even eliminate the taking of certain medications, and this greatly improves the quality of life.
All the learning and personal and professional experience have taught me to be motivated, to get the best out of myself. With me you will have the support you need to make the physical and lifestyle change you are looking for. You will be accompanied at all times.
You will generate new habits, lead a healthier life including the practice of physical exercise, you will put aside your complexes and gain confidence and energy. Finally, you will feel comfortable with yourself.

“Each plan adapts to your needs, your tastes and your lifestyle because the center of the treatment is you, not the diet.”

Dr. Jordi 

Why can I help you?

I am a doctor specializing in occupational medicine and an expert in obesity and nutrition.

The treatments I recommend work.

They have been tested and proven by various scientific studies.

I have a holistic vision of health with prescription of treatments to lose fat accompanied by exercise to improve the state of your muscle mass.

I am also a personal trainer and therefore I can prescribe the most appropriate physical exercise pattern for you, your abilities and your needs.

I have been helping people who, like you, want to achieve a better quality of life for more than 10 years, and the results support my career.

I know very well how you feel.

Así es mi tratamiento

Para ayudarte a bajar de peso, a mejorar tu salud, a aumentar tu musculatura y a definir tu silueta, voy a basarme en tres herramientas fundamentales:

icono pesa
Método Pronokal®

Conoce cómo es el tratamiento más eficaz, rápido y seguro para la pérdida de peso sin efecto rebote. ¡Pierde grasa, no músculo!

icono bici estatica
Define tu silueta

Tu músculo es el mejor “quemagrasas”. Aprovéchalo y descubre qué ejercicios son los más adecuados para lograr tus objetivos.

define tu silueta

El tratamiento que te ayuda a definir tu nueva silueta. ¿Quieres completar tu plan atacando la grasa localizada para acabar con la celulitis?

¿Qué opinan mis pacientes?
Juntos vamos a conseguir instaurar cambios de hábitos en tu vida

Por fin podrás alcanzar
y mantener el peso que deseas